Online Tithes And Offering


Members weekly or monthly financial contribution to the Church.


This offering assists those experiencing temporary hardship.


Members and friends of the Church financially support the Church Programs and Operations.

Special Offering

Special Offerings occur during the year. A few examples are Sacrificial Seed Faith Christmas Offering, Sacrificial Seed Faith Offering, Men’s Day Offering, and Women’s Day.

FEMA Repayment

The Bethel AME Church has worked with FEMA and the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) for over 15 years to replace our Activity Center that was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. Our building approval amount with contents was $570,752.86, but with multiple mid-stream rule changes and GOHSEP staff turnovers, the project was set back at multiple steps over the years.


With the passage of time and now with inflation, the cost to replace the building is substantially more than the amount approved. Our church cannot afford to go over the GOHSEP-approved amount. Therefore, we have decided to discontinue the pursuit of our FEMA-approved Activity Center replacement.

When that decision was made not to pursue; we had only used $42,030.12 of the approved funds for the architect, final architectural blueprints, surveys, permits, etc. Now, our church must repay that amount to FEMA. They have granted us a monthly payment plan until October 2023.


We ask that you prayerfully consider assisting us with our repayment efforts. Please contribute by clicking the “FEMA Repayment Tab” below.

Thank you and may God continue to richly bless you!